Friday, March 6, 2009

Grave blanket - Gettysburg

A coating of snow, sculpted by wind, hides graves in the Gettysburg National Cemetery. Lt. Frank Haskell wrote of the final resting place of the Gettysburg Union dead: "Another spring shall green these trampled slopes, and flowers, planted by unseen hands, shall bloom upon these graves; another autumn and the yellow harvest shall ripen there—all not in less, but in higher perfection for this poured out blood. In another decade of years, in another century, or age, we hope that the Union, by the same means, may repose in a securer peace and bloom in a higher civilization." (Click image for larger view).

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A relic of the battlefield - Gettysburg

Neill Avenue - also known as the "Lost Avenue" because its remote location has left it cut off from easy access - appears much like it did when the veterans returned to place their monuments here at Gettysburg. The short stretch marking the right of the Union infantry has never been paved, and even lacks the wagon ruts and wear that would have existed on the more popular Gettysburg routes before they were modernized. (Click image for larger view).

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dawn on Cemetery Hill - Gettysburg

The monument to Union Major General Winfield Scott Hancock stands over East Cemetery Hill at Gettysburg. (Click image for larger view).

Monday, March 2, 2009

8th Pennsylvania Cavalry at Gettysburg

The monument to the 8th Pennsylvania Cavalry stands on Cemetery Ridge at Gettysburg. The 8th was active in the campaign, but did not hold the ground where its marker is located near the center of action during the repulse of Pickett's Charge. (Click image for larger view).